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Tuesday 19 June 2018

The world's most powerful computer made by the scientists, makes the billions of celibacy

                                SUPER COMPUTER

US scientists have made the world's most powerful computer. This supercomputer calculates more than 2,00,000 trillion (2 lac crores) in 1 second. This super-computer fifth instance is an unsurpassed example of Artificial Intelligence. According to the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Library, it is eight times more powerful than the last most powerful super-computer Titan. Scientists named it Summit.

Crores of calculations can be done in 1 second

Considering the claims of scientists, this super-computer summit can do 3 billion-billion mixed calculations in 1 second. According to America's Energy President Rick Perry, this supercomputer will help scientists to cope with the latest new challenges. It has been given the IBM AC922 system, which can simulate 4,608 servers simultaneously. Every server has the 22-core IBM Power 9 processor. In addition, it has the NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU (Graphical Processing Unit Accelerator), which is inter-connected with Dual-Rail Melanox EDR secs 100 gig-bytes.

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